Iwata: NX Will Not Be A Continuation of Either 3DS Or Wii U

'Expanding on existing hardware is dull.'

Last week, Nintendo announced their next dedicated games platform- it’s called the NX, and that is literally all we know about it. We don’t know whether it is a handheld, or a console, or whether it is even hardware (it might just be Nintendo transitioning to services), and for everyone who is always looking forward to the next big thing in the industry, speculation is running rampant.

Speaking to Japanese news outlet Nikkei, Iwata chose to clarify more on the enigmatic system, which, he confirmed, is not a continuation of either the Nintendo 3DS or the Wii U.

“If you only expand upon existing hardware, it’s dull,” Iwata said (translated by Kotaku). “In some shape or form, we’re always thinking about how we want to surprise players as well as our desire to change each person’s video gaming life.”

Of course, just because it is not a continuation of the DS or Wii lines does not mean that it is neither a handheld nor a console- remember, the DS and Wii themselves were a clean break from over 20 years of the Gameboy and Nintendo handheld and console lines respectively when they first launched. NX could be something like that too.

As to exactly what that something is- we will have to wait till next year, because that is when Nintendo will finally make an announcement about it.

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